Despite spending thousands of dollars on marketing, your business is struggling to attract, engage and retain customers. The problem is unlimited competition online, high advertising costs, and little return on marketing investment. To get ahead of the competitive clutter, you need an X factor and that’s what this bootcamp book is about. It doesn’t replace digital marketing, it’s the thing that makes digital marketing work better!
Some Brands Are Killing it With Secret StrategiesDespite the fierce competitive marketplace in almost every segment, certain companies are thriving. The question is what are they doing right that everyone else is missing. We spent 18 months researching and decoding what some of the most successful companies in Silicon Valley and around the world are doing to beat out their competition. We've distilled all of that knowledge into 21 powerful and secretive strategies.
This book is meant for small and home-based business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, content creators and digital marketers who want to learn more about how to enhance their digital marketing campaigns and start kicking ass for a change.
Product DetailsTitle: Marketing Disruption Bootcamp
Paperback: 320 pages in color
Publisher: Big Bad Kangaroo Inc., 2021
Language: English
ISBN: 9781999146016
Product Dimensions: 7.5 x 9.5 x 0.7 inches